Whether you are a housewife, entrepreneur or future cake boss in the making, my aim as a Sugar Art Teacher is to equip my wonderful students with the needed skills to bake with confidence and to enable them to give all customers a product with that very same distinct home-made feel. None of those replicate-a-thousand-times-a-day supermarket cakes for us!
Every cake is unique. We lovingly bake cakes with a great amount of care and invested time. We believe this to be the reason why our cakes taste so delicious!
We also believe that a cake baked with the actual fresh ingredients; canola oil, fine castor sugar, fresh eggs and flavouring, in the warmth and comfort of your own kitchen, makes for a much healthier alternative to shop-bought versions containing margarine's, palm oils, emulsifiers, preservatives, stabilizers and modified this-and-that.